New York NFB-NEWSLINE Application

New York NFB-NEWSLINE Application

Thank you for your interest in NFB-NEWSLINE. This service is free, and available to those who are blind, dyslexic, or have a physical disability that keeps them from being able to read print publications.

Accounts are available to those of any age. The parent or guardian of a minor under the age of 18 must be the one to request the account.

* = Required Fields

Who is Filling Out this Application?

Parent's Info

Parent's Name
Parent's Name, if Subscriber is a Minor
Child's Birthdate
Child's Birthdate: Month
Child's Birthdate: Day
Child's Birthdate: Year
Please provide your minor child's birthdate.

Professional's Info

Professional's Name
Title or Certifications
Name of the Professional filling out the application.
Professional's Affiliation
Please provide your title and the name of the organization for which you are affiliated.
Professional's Phone
Phone Number of Professional Filling Out Form 
Professional's Email
Email Address of Professional Filling Out Form

Subscriber's Info

Subscriber's Name
The name of the NFB-NEWSLINE user.
Subscriber's Mailing Address
Address 2
ZIP/Postal Code
Mailing Address of Subscriber, or Parent if Subscriber is a Minor.
Subscriber's Phone
Telephone Number of Subscriber, or Parent if Subscriber is a Minor.
Subscriber's Email
Email Address of Subscriber, or Parent if Subscriber is a Minor.


Are you (Is your client) a patron of the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled?
Are you (Is your client) currently, or previously, a client of a state or private rehabilitation agency for the blind?
For instance, the New York State Commission for the Blind or a local rehabilitation agency that provides training to the blind. This would also include VA services for blind veterans.
Name of Agency:
Do you (Does your client) have a blindness registration number with the State of New York?
Registration Number:
Does your child receive special education services for blindness, dyslexia, or a physical disability that prevents them from reading print publications?
Type of Disability:
Type of print disability.
Supporting Documentation

If the answer to all of the above is 'No', please upload a letter from one of the following, which certifies that you are blind or unable to read newsprint due to a disability:

  • Your doctor
  • President of a local chapter or state affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind
  • Teacher or counselor of the visually impaired or disabled

One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, odp, ods.

Certification of Eligibility

Additional Information
NFB-NEWSLINE is a free service available to those who are blind or otherwise print-disabled. Each account should only be accessed by one user. Parents who are subscribing their child are able to set the restrictions for their child's account. Once the child reaches the age of 18, the parent must contact us to convert the account to one with full access.